Paragliding is probably the easiest way to fly. A complete flight kit weighs between 8 and 18 kg and fits in a backpack. Light equipment is available from as little as 3 kg.
View the earth from above like a bird and become one with the air. The reclining position of the hangglider pilot comes closest to the flight of a bird and guarantees a fascinating feeling of flying.
Fixed-wing gliders are 3-axis controlled, i.e. fully aerodynamically controlled hang gliders. Due to the specific handling, the training differs from that of hanggliders. Because of their wing structure, fixed-wing gliders have a wide speed range and good gliding performance.
Electric propulsion is an interesting ascent alternative for paragliders, hanggliders and fixed-wing gliders to get into thermals. E-hang gliders have been part of SHV since 2016 and are thus our youngest flight section.
Miniwing are paragliders with reduced surface area, shorter lines and specific profiles. Their fast inflation behaviour, lively handling and higher basic speed distinguish them from paragliders of conventional design.
Speedriding or speedflying is practised with very small paragliders and requires additional training after the paragliding licence due to its high speed and dynamics. It is usually practised in winter and is then a combination of skiing and flying.