This airspace page is intended to provide information on the use of airspace, latest changes to the airspace structure, aerodromes and public publications. It is by no means complete and does not relieve you of your personal responsibility for flight preparation.
In addition to the online glider chart and online VFR manual, you will also find on the right-hand side a link to the new SHV airspace database, which was launched on 25.3.21. This replaces the Flyland database. In future, additional data such as wildlife protection zones and temporary obstacles will be included. The SHV airspace database is based on official data sources, will be regularly updated and is verified by a team of airspace experts so that the quality of the underlying data is assured. Please note, however, that technically only the official publications have legal validity. Further information on interfaces / downloads can be found at
DABS (Daily Airspace Bulletin)
In the DABS, dangers, restrictions and changes in Swiss airspace are shown graphically on a map. Please note that every airspace user is obliged by law to check not only the DABS but also the current Notam. In practice, however, it is rather unlikely that important information for hang gliders that does not appear in the DABS will be published in the Notam.
The VFR Notam is a daily bulletin with all published information for VFR visual flight traffic. Every pilot is obliged to take note of this information. In practice, however, it is rather unlikely that important information for hang gliders will be published in the Notam that does not also appear in the DABS.
How do I get to Notam?
- Skybriefing Skyguide Switzerland (costs CHF 49 per year)
- DFS - German Air Navigation Services (registration only)
- SIA (free)
QNH Correction Table
In the glider chart you can find altitude information of airspaces in inverse writing. These heights refer to the standard atmosphere of 1013.2 hPa. If I fly at an altitude above sea level normal for hang gliders and paragliders, a correction value for the current air pressure according to the following table must be taken into account.
The daily updated QNH correction value can also be found in the sailplane forecast.

Holidays with MIL-OFF
For the Swiss Air Force, the following public holidays are considered, Switzerland wide, as days without planned training flights (airspace E to FL 150):
New Year's Day, Berchtold's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Swiss National Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Eve.
Note: Events that require the use of military aircraft can always occur, even on public holidays or on days without planned training flights (e.g. search and rescue). It is therefore always to be expected that military aircraft may be flying.
Airspace Violations
Avoid personal airspace violations.
Report dangerous encounters and airspace violations (EU Reporting Portal)
Wenn der SHV bei Stellungnahmen auf lokale Informationen angewiesen ist, verbreitet er solche Anhörungen per Luftraumverteiler. Zu diesem sind namentlich Clubs, aber auch Flugschulen und Privatpersonen eingeladen. Man kann sich mittels eines einfachen Mails an luftraum(at) für den Verteiler anmelden.